There is a need for increased awareness and education to prevent tinnitus and promote hearing health among musicians, according to a study.

Professional musicians’ lives may be affected by tinnitus, a British study finds.

According to the researchers behind the study, the risk of noise-induced hearing loss amongst professional musicians is greater than that amongst the general population, meaning they may also be at an increased risk of tinnitus. To investigate this, the study examined the impact of tinnitus among some professional musicians in the UK.

The study found that tinnitus can negatively impact professional musicians’ lives. The researchers also concluded that there is a need for bespoke self-help groups, awareness raising and education to prevent tinnitus and promote hearing health among musicians.

Three themes

In the study, 74 professional musicians completed an online survey involving closed and open-ended questions and completed a tinnitus-questionnaire.

Three themes relevant for professional musicians were generated from the analysis of the responses to the questions in the study:

  • the impact of tinnitus on the lives of professional musicians
  • professional musicians’ experience of tinnitus services, support and hearing health and safety
  • the support professional musicians want

The study, “Surrounded by Sound: The Impact of Tinnitus on Musicians”, was published in the journal Environmental Research and Public Health.

Sources: and the journal Environmental Research and Public Health.

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