The ‘Woodstock Generation’ experience a series of hearing problems, a survey finds.
A survey carried out in the US has found that 47% of the ‘Woodstock Generation’, who listened to loud or very loud music when they were in their teens and 20s, now report experiencing hearing loss.
Difficulties understanding
52% of respondents in the survey reported experiencing difficulties understanding what is being said in loud environments like busy restaurants at least sometimes, while 40% said that they needed statements repeated in conversations at least sometimes.
38% of the respondents admitted that their hearing loss impacted their relationships with family and friends at least a little bit.
Problems listening to music
36% of the respondents reported difficulties hearing music at some levels and 70% of the respondents said they wished they could hear music the way they did when they were young.
The survey, which was conducted in the US by the Harris Poll, questioned over 1,000 US adults between the ages of 65 and 80 who had reported listening to “loud or very loud music in their youth”.
The Woodstock festival was held in August 1969 in the town Bethel in New York State.
Sources: and